Gary Northam

Gary Sept 06Gary Northam has been a faculty teaching pilot training, aviation safety, and professional ethics for 26 years. He has experience at the community college level in addition to the university setting having served two major universities. Northam joined Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, AZ in 2005 and currently teaches graduate courses in the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Safety. Dr. Northam is also currently serving as President and CEO of the Aviation Accreditation Board International, an association that accredits collegiate aviation degree programs.

Education and Aviation Training

Ph.D. degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Adult and Continuing Education

Aviation Certifications

Commercial Pilot with Instrument and Multiengine ratings

Certified Flight Instructor and Instrument Airplane rating


Academic Positions Held

Dean of the College of Aviation since August 1, 2010

Professor and Department Chair of the Safety Science department July, 2005 to present


Collegiate Teaching Areas

Pilot Training and Flight Instruction

Aviation Safety

Aviation Human Factors

Professional and Safety Ethics


Research, writing, and presentations – areas of interest and experience

Pilot Education

Pilot Decision Making

Aviation Technology

Moral Development and Ethics

Aviation Human Factors and Ergonomics

Chief Lecturer for the Certified Flight Instructor FAA Refresher Clinics – St. Louis


Academic Accreditation – Aviation Accreditation Board, International

President and CEO, 2014 to Present